11 Factors Affecting Soil Fertility

What are the Factors Affecting Soil Fertility?

Soil Fertility depends on different factors such as climate, ph, soil texture etc and it is the capacity of soil to sustain plant growth. It is a measure of the ability of soil to supply essential plant nutrients and water in adequate quantities and proportions for plant growth and reproduction. Soil fertility is no doubt …

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What is Organic Matter? Why It Is Important to Plants?

What is organic matter?

Organic matter refers to any material that has been living or once lived. This includes plant and animal material, as well as soil. Organic matter is essential to plants because it helps them process nutrients and water. It also helps the plants to resist pests and diseases. In addition, organic matter provides carbon dioxide, which …

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Unlock What is the Importance of Soil in Human Life?

What is the Importance of Soil in Human Life?

Soil is the foundation of human life. It is where crops are grown and where we live. It is the source of food, water, and air. Without soil, humans would not be able to survive. Technically, it is a complex mixture of minerals, organic matter, and water. It is responsible for plants’ growth and producing …

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15+ Vegetables That Grow Without Sunlight

Vegetables are a vital part of a healthy diet, and they are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Vegetables are not only good for your health but also a vital part of your daily diet. If you are a farmer or want to grow vegetables but don’t have any specific place to grow vegetables, then …

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What is Importance of Soil in the Pond for Plants and Animals?

What is Importance of Soil in the Pond for Plants and Animals?

Soil is an essential part of any pond. Not only does it provide the necessary nutrients for plants and animals to live, but it also regulates water temperature, creates a habitat for beneficial insects, and protects the surrounding environment from erosion. Soil works as a great working mechanism in your ponds. So, you must know …

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